Thursday, October 01, 2009

The Source of Value

Today we seek experts to fill needs and provide advice in many areas. Consultants are brought in for their specialties and knowledge and often fail to fulfill expectations and employees are hired based upon their education or certifications. While in some disciplines you should seek true expertise in terms of skills, training and experience in many areas; Don't overlook other resources around you that can often provide valuable input and assistance. It isn't always about the appearance, credentials or certificates - It is about potential and capabilities.

A Story About Value

A very successful business executive was waiting at a train station for his daily commute into the city. As he sat talking on his cell phone, a dirty, raggedy and apparently homeless person sat down next to him. As the executive continued talking on the phone the homeless person couldn't help but overhear that the executive was discussing the potential purchase of another local business citing their location and facilities would be a great opportunity for expanding his current manufacturing capacity and that this opportunity should be pursued immediately. The executive concluded his call with a commitment to buy the property thus shutting the door on other possible opportunities.

When the executive hung up the phone the homeless man spoke up and said that he didn't think buying that business would be a wise choice. The executive scornfully rebuked the ragged man for interfering since he obviously had no experience and wasn't a credible expert on business mergers and acquisitions. The important executive then rushed off to board his train.

Another person on the bench nearby asked the homeless man why he had spoke up to give advice to a business executive like he did. The homeless man simply replied. I was sleeping in an alley across the street from that factory he wanted to buy just last night. About 2AM it burned to the ground.

Value does not always come from experts and experts don't always add value


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